诺誉雾面剂ESTANE A1119 TPU 诺誉雾面剂ESTANE A1119 TPU Estane? A1119 NAT021 is an aromatic, polyester TPU based matt effect masterbatch. The masterbatch is compatible with either polyester and polyether based TPU. Appearance Opaque cylindrical pellets Application Wire & cable jacketing Concentration level 3 up to 7% Process temperature 150 up to 230 °C 雾面剂:常用于挤出电线电缆、片材板材、绳带等和吹塑薄膜的时候会添加一定比例,通常是2%的比例,以达到消光、雾面(哑光)、粗麻雾面(磨砂面)效果,提高抗湿滑性、耐曲绕性、抗撕裂强度、增强弹性等。